Workplace Services
Disinfection & Cleanup

Disinfection & Cleanup

We clean your workplace with safe and gentle methods. The agent we use has well-documented efficacy and off kills Covid-19 (SARS-CoV-2) in about 30 seconds. Choose a safe and sustainable method of sanitizing your workplace that is gentle on people, animals and the environment. We perform Coronavirus cleanup routinely and have performed nationwide missions for our clients.

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Disinfection & Cleanup
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Effectively and quickly

We use electrostatic pressure sprayers when sanitizing. The pressure sprayers allow us to sanitize large areas quickly and efficiently. The cationic charge of the agent causes it to wrap around conductive surfaces. We do not need to touch any surfaces and can work safely while significantly reducing the risk of cross-contamination with the right approach.

Gentle methods

We protect the environment and human health. Our methods are designed to be safe, efficient and gentle for both our employees and your employees. The agent we use has well documented efficacy and is also used in healthcare.

Gentle methods

We protect the environment and human health. Our methods are designed to be safe, efficient and gentle for both our employees and your employees. The agent we use has well documented efficacy and is also used in healthcare.

Restore the entire workplace

In case of infectious diseases such as Coronavirus, we always recommend that you restore the entire workplace. Basic cleaning and cleaning reduces the risk of bacterial growth and helps you maintain a high standard of hygiene, but sometimes stronger measures may also be needed.

Some of our customers

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“XLNT Workplace is solution-oriented and easy to work with”
Jesper Hoffman, Area Manager @Fast Partner
“We needed a sustainable and flexible solution that matched the flexibility of our 6-month lease for which XLNT's Workplace as a Service suited us perfectly.”
Ramin, Head of Sourcing @Samfastigheter
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Disinfection & Cleanup

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