Workplace Services
Fruit basket

Fruit basket

Fresh fruit baskets at work are not only something that is useful and tasty, but they also help elevate the overall experience of the workplace for both employees and visitors. Therefore, the fruit at work may be worth a little extra consideration. We offer and deliver fruit baskets in a variety of sizes and designs, and always attach great importance to ensuring that the fruit we deliver is of high quality and made with sustainable methods. With us, you eat good fruit with a clear conscience.

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Fruit Basket Base

Our classic fruit basket base contains the most common fruits, including bananas, oranges, apples and pears. Origins and varieties vary with the season, so you always get the best and most flavorful fruits. An affordable choice with good fruits simply.

Fruit Basket Premium

This lovely fruit basket is filled with the most flavorful fruits nature has to offer. The base consists of bananas, oranges and the best apples and pears that the season has to offer. In addition to that, you will find a generous dose of seasonal fruits such as plums, nectarines and clementines. To make the fruit basket even more delicate, we top it with grapes. Sometimes you can even find hints of exotic fruits such as physalis and kiwi depending on the season.

Fruit Basket Premium

This lovely fruit basket is filled with the most flavorful fruits nature has to offer. The base consists of bananas, oranges and the best apples and pears that the season has to offer. In addition to that, you will find a generous dose of seasonal fruits such as plums, nectarines and clementines. To make the fruit basket even more delicate, we top it with grapes. Sometimes you can even find hints of exotic fruits such as physalis and kiwi depending on the season.

Fruit Basket Eco

Choose our very finest organic fruit basket. The fruit basket is filled with the most healthy fruits including apples, bananas, pears and citrus fruits. The fruit basket is topped with seasonal fruit such as plums, clementines or nectarines, depending on the season, quality and availability. Our organic production is SMAK certified and is audited annually to guarantee that you get exactly what you order - 100% organic fruits.

Some of our customers

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“XLNT Workplace is solution-oriented and easy to work with”
Jesper Hoffman, Area Manager @Fast Partner
“We needed a sustainable and flexible solution that matched the flexibility of our 6-month lease for which XLNT's Workplace as a Service suited us perfectly.”
Ramin, Head of Sourcing @Samfastigheter
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Fruit basket

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