Meet the office - Toufiq Saifi

We work to create sustainable workplaces where employees thrive. Our workplace strategy is an important tool that will create value for the business by aligning the workplace with the business and our employees.
In this series of articles, you will get to know the people behind XLNT Workplace, our most important asset that together helps contribute to a more sustainable future for every customer who chooses a sustainable workplace.
Toufiq works as an HR manager and is very involved in our work with social sustainability, which is primarily about helping to integrate people into society and working life for real, something Toufiq also has his own experience of.
Toufiq Saifi
When Toufiq came to Sweden he started working as a local carer at XLNT Workplace, Toufiq came to Sweden with his family from Afghanistan. Toufiq had previous experience in various administrative roles including purchasing manager at the embassy and a university degree in business administration and administration.
Toufiq began studying Social Studies and Swedish at Uppsala University while working 5 hours a week in the evenings and nights to be able to support his family when he came to Sweden.
After six months Toufiq finished his studies at Uppsala University (Toufiq is incredibly good at learning languages) and received an offer to work as an administration and finance assistant in the office.
- I was very happy that I had the opportunity to develop within the company so quickly as I have a background in business administration in my home country.
For me, it proves that there are great opportunities for development within XLNT Workplace for everyone, my experience and experience with XLNT Workplace is that it is a workplace with a really lovely work environment where everyone is friends with a family feeling.
Toufiq's best memory at XLNT Workplace is his own development journey.
- I started as a local carer at XLNT Workplace, but then I was given the chance by our CEO Aria to start supporting him with administration and finances in the office.
- Today I am an HR manager while still working in administration and finance.
- It has meant a lot to me to have had the opportunity, especially the trust and support I needed and received along the way, which makes me feel comfortable in my role as HR Manager where I help to help make XLNT Workplace continue to be a great workplace.
At the end of our conversation I ask Toufiq what the best thing about his job is he answers quickly without hesitation
- That's when someone gets an approved work permit! It's so good to see the happiness in their eyes and I'm so happy that they get an opportunity to stay here in Sweden.
- Since I am involved throughout the process from the application and contact with authorities, it is so nice to see when they receive a decision on an approved permit.
- It is also a very relatable feeling, of course, since I myself found myself in the same position when I came to Sweden and fled from war, it is such an important message that concerns not only one's own life but perhaps as in my case one's children and their family's future.
- I know how it feels to wait for news, the worry and the long wait and to share the joy when others receive a positive message is amazing!
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A first contact is usually not about us trying to sell something but more about getting to know each other. Hopefully we have generated enough interest for you to want to know more and find out if we can be a good match for what you are looking for.
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About XLNT Workplace
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A first contact is usually not about us trying to sell something but more about getting to know each other. Hopefully we have generated enough interest for you to want to know more and find out if we can be a good match for what you are looking for.