Workspace Solutions
Office Furniture

Office Furniture

Reuse of office furniture, purchase of recycled office furniture or brand new? The design of the workplace has and will continue to change and with it the need for solutions adapted to it has increased. We have always advocated reuse whenever possible. Recycling is both a sustainable and cost-effective solution, but at the same time, there are good, new eco-labelled alternatives. Let us help you with a complete solution, whether it concerns the disposal, purchase of office furniture for the office or the home workplace.

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Office Furniture
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Huge environmental benefits from recycling

A major environmental benefit of recycling is that we take advantage of existing resources. Another environmental benefit is that the need for new manufacturing is reduced. In this way, we save natural resources, water and energy. We also reduce the amount of carbon dioxide emissions, pollution and waste.

Economically beneficial

Reusing is the same as reusing. It is also called reuse when you give an old object a new look and a new function. When it comes to office furniture, there is usually a penny to be made by making sure that your furniture is recycled instead of having everything thrown away at the recycling station.

Economically beneficial

Reusing is the same as reusing. It is also called reuse when you give an old object a new look and a new function. When it comes to office furniture, there is usually a penny to be made by making sure that your furniture is recycled instead of having everything thrown away at the recycling station.

Part-finance your new purchases with recycling

Those of us who have worked with relocations and adaptations of offices know that a lot is thrown away that could have part-financed the new purchases. It is rare that everything is recycled, but we can usually present a complete solution where we help you to make an inventory that we then send out to our partners in order to present the most advantageous option for you, so that you can focus on the next step.

Some of our customers

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“I highly recommend XLNT Workplace, they are innovative and professional”
Sofia Erdevik, Workplace Manager @Sinch
“We needed a sustainable and flexible solution that matched the flexibility of our 6-month lease for which XLNT's Workplace as a Service suited us perfectly.”
Ramin, Head of Sourcing @Samfastigheter
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Office Furniture

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