Floor care

Floor care requires skills and experience. At XLNT Workplace we have extensive experience in floor care and a great understanding of which methods and machines are best suited for different materials and floor conditions. We also offer, as one of the few companies in Sweden, Svanenmark floor care for a sustainable and good result every time.

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Svanenmark floor care

To be classified as a Nordic service, high demands are placed on the entire organization, and we are one of very few companies in Sweden that meet these requirements. For you, the label means, among other things:

  • We only use funds approved by the Swan
  • We minimize the consumption of non-essential chemicals
  • We minimize the environmental impact of our transportation
  • Our employees have the right training in environmental issues as well as cleaning methods
  • We have a quality system to ensure high cleaning quality
  • We report to and are audited by third independent parties

All floors are special

Floor care is not something that is carried out in the same way every time, the person who performs the job must be able to understand what methods are required based on what it is for the choice of material, the condition of the floor and the previous treatment. Our floor care professionals specialize in just that. We have clients who manage everything from cultural heritage in K-marked buildings to customers with different exclusive material choices, so when you need to treat or renovate your floor, you can choose XLNT Workplace with a clear conscience for a sustainable and good result.

All floors are special

Floor care is not something that is carried out in the same way every time, the person who performs the job must be able to understand what methods are required based on what it is for the choice of material, the condition of the floor and the previous treatment. Our floor care professionals specialize in just that. We have clients who manage everything from cultural heritage in K-marked buildings to customers with different exclusive material choices, so when you need to treat or renovate your floor, you can choose XLNT Workplace with a clear conscience for a sustainable and good result.

It will be cheaper in the long run

When you perform floor care, you extend the life of your floors and give them new life again. If you want to have fresh floors for a long time, it pays to treat your floors with recommended methods to ensure that they last a long time while looking as fresh as they did when they were new.

Some of our customers

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“XLNT Workplace is solution-oriented and easy to work with”
Jesper Hoffman, Area Manager @Fast Partner
“I highly recommend XLNT Workplace, they are innovative and professional”
Sofia Erdevik, Workplace Manager @Sinch
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Floor care

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Do you have questions about our cleaning services or are wondering how we can help you take care of your floors in the workplace? Or maybe you just want to talk about floor care in general? We will be happy to answer your questions. Leave your details in the contact form and we will get back to you.

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