Digital Workplace
IT in the workplace

IT in the workplace

Our services will make your everyday life easier, and technology plays an important role in that. Technology is supposed to help us be more efficient and productive, and if there is a problem, there needs to be the right support and support to be able to fix problems. We help deliver all IT solutions to your workplace.

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IT in the workplace
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Tailored for you

We tailor the solution to your needs so that it becomes a welcome feature of your everyday life, whether you use Mac, PC, iPad, Microsoft 365 or G-Suite. Of course, your devices come pre-configured ready to use.

Client and mobile device management

We help you set up and manage your clients and mobile devices so you are in control of security. With the help of automated work routines, we can also manage support, and software installation remotely.

Client and mobile device management

We help you set up and manage your clients and mobile devices so you are in control of security. With the help of automated work routines, we can also manage support, and software installation remotely.

Fast support with high resolution

When the technology works as it should, there is nothing to think about, but when something happens, you need to be able to get help right away. IT support has an average response time of 30 seconds and resolves 72% of issues on first contact.

Some of our customers

SINCH logo
DNB logo
KRAV logo
“XLNT Workplace is solution-oriented and easy to work with”
Jesper Hoffman, Area Manager @Fast Partner
“We needed a sustainable and flexible solution that matched the flexibility of our 6-month lease for which XLNT's Workplace as a Service suited us perfectly.”
Ramin, Head of Sourcing @Samfastigheter
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IT in the workplace

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A first contact is usually not about us trying to sell something but more about getting to know each other. Hopefully we have generated enough interest for you to want to know more and find out if we can be a good match for what you are looking for.

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