
All workplaces require some practical fix to work. Things break. Things should be replaced. And sometimes the time is simply not enough. Our Handymans can simplify your everyday life by helping you with all the things that you do not have time to prioritize or with things where your own dexterity is lacking. No request is too big or too small - our Handymans will help you.

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Handyman Stockholm - always on standby

Our Handymans are really handy people who solve your request quickly, efficiently and with good results every time. They are employed by us and are always on standby. Regardless of your request, we can therefore help you at short notice, of course we prefer a little advance, but when that is not possible, we can still usually pull out!

From removal to assembly - our Handymans in Stockholm will help you

Our Handymans come from a background as carpenters, craftsmen or fitters. They are generally handy and real problem solvers who can help you with most things. Our customers often use our Handymans to:

  • Moving and carrying assistance
  • Pick up, deliver, assemble furniture and dispose of rubbish
  • Set things up; whiteboards, shelves, curtain rods, etc.
  • Rounding of the premises
  • Internal Moves
  • Dismantling of e.g. office furniture and storage
  • Office/Venue Adaptation
  • Setting up marquees, assembling, etc.

From removal to assembly - our Handymans in Stockholm will help you

Our Handymans come from a background as carpenters, craftsmen or fitters. They are generally handy and real problem solvers who can help you with most things. Our customers often use our Handymans to:

  • Moving and carrying assistance
  • Pick up, deliver, assemble furniture and dispose of rubbish
  • Set things up; whiteboards, shelves, curtain rods, etc.
  • Rounding of the premises
  • Internal Moves
  • Dismantling of e.g. office furniture and storage
  • Office/Venue Adaptation
  • Setting up marquees, assembling, etc.

Handyman price - what is the cost of our Handyman service?

At XLNT Workplace, we advocate full transparency. With our calculator you can therefore easily calculate the price of our Handyman service, we have a fixed hourly price of 420 SEK/h + a fixed cost of 370 SEK for the exit and service car which includes the cost of fuel, customs fee, parking, etc. If you want to know more about the service and how we have calculated the price, simply download more information by clicking on the button “More info & prices”.

Some of our customers

SINCH logo
DNB logo
KRAV logo
“XLNT Workplace is solution-oriented and easy to work with”
Jesper Hoffman, Area Manager @Fast Partner
“I highly recommend XLNT Workplace, they are innovative and professional”
Sofia Erdevik, Workplace Manager @Sinch
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Contact us today for a collaboration

Our Handymans can solve most things. No request is too big or too small. Contact us today for a collaboration. Leave your details in the contact form and we will get back to you.

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