ATP measurement

Control of purity and quality.
Due to the recent outbreak of coronavirus, Covid-19, there are a lot of questions coming to us right now, one question above all concerns how we ensure quality.
Quality together with durability and high service is what we stand for, quality for us means that you as a customer are satisfied.
In order for you to feel satisfied with our work as there is a lot of concern about the coronavirus right now, you need to know that XLNT Workplace is here with advice and information and above all the right measures.
Our work and processes are based on being able to provide you with the results you want in a sustainable way. Normally, we perform a visual cleaning check according to the Nordic standard for cleaning quality; INSTA-800.
INSTA-800 is a very good standard for cleaning quality, but for operations where there are requirements and standards for the level of cleanliness, this is complemented by an objective control of cleanliness. A so-called ATP measurement.
The Swedish Standard (SS 8760014:2017) states that the evidence suggests that cleaning and cleaning reduce the risk of spreading infection in healthcare. The standard also specifies quality criteria for different hygiene classes and specifies requirements for and makes recommendations for follow-up and control of cleaning and cleaning. The assessment is primarily based on a visual inspection by inspection of the surfaces covered by the cleaning contract and may also include the cleaning for which the business is responsible. A visual inspection is not always sufficient for evaluation, as surfaces that look clean may still be contaminated. Visual inspection can be supplemented by measurement with UV light or ATP (adenosine triphosphate) and, in some cases, culture to evaluate and improve cleaning and cleaning methods.
The light is measured in RLU (Relative Light Units) of the ATP meter and the result is visible in just a few seconds, we use the latest technology that provides the best accuracy and precision. The most critical component is the light sensor Clean-Trace™ technology we use uses a technique called photomultiplication that can detect individual photons, providing more accurate results compared to conventional ATP meters that use photoids*.
(*) Griffith, Chris, “What makes a good ATP hygiene monitoring system?” , Int. Food Hygiene Vol 22, No. 8, P. 21-23
What we think
This cleaning quality control is now demanded by many of our customers in other industries which we think is very good, an objective and continuous inspection of cleanliness strengthens the process and secures the result. It also gives us and the customer clearer data and improves cooperation, as we can set up frameworks for follow-up in a clearer and more objective way.
What is INSTA-800?
“INSTA 800 is a Nordic standard formerly known as SS 62 78 01, which is used to describe in advance and subsequently evaluate the cleaning quality in a given premises — regardless of the cleaning systems, frequencies or methods used. The evaluation shall take place as soon as possible after the cleaning has been carried out. “
How is INSTA-800 used?
“The standard can be used in all types of buildings and premises. The cleaning quality is described by six different quality levels. Quality levels are determined by the permissible number of impurities. Quality levels relate to room sizes and not to the type of premises. Whether it is a production premises or a premises in an office building, a hospital, a railway carriage or a ferry, it is the size of the premises that determines the permissible number of contaminants for a certain level of quality. The standard can be used to check cleaning results for daily cleaning, self-checking by cleaning staff or for assessing cleaning needs on an assignment.”
What is ATP measurement?
ATP measurement is used in food production and healthcare, among other things, to check cleanliness and cleanliness when there are standards and limits for purity levels according to what the ATP meter measures (RLU) which is invisible during visual inspection.
According to the Swedish Standard (SIS) for “Cleaning and cleaning to reduce the spread of infection in healthcare”, ATP measurement is used as a complement to visual inspection to detect invisible contamination at the cellular level.
What is ATP?
ATP is a chemical substance (Adenosine triphosphate) found in all types of cells, the ATP level provides information about the effect of cleaning regarding both dead and living cell material. Low ATP levels mean there is less “bacterial food” which means there is less risk of bacterial growth.
ATP metrics can be used to prevent and detect serious hygiene risks and quality deficiencies.
How is ATP measured?
The surface is swabbed, the swab is then placed in a container with the substance luciferin, ATP from the surface will react with the luciferin and light will be produced.
How do you guys do it?
We use the latest technology from 3M, Clean-Trace™ LM1. Clean-Trace™ ATP systems are designed to make ATP measurements quickly and easily without compromising the safety of the result. Independent studies show that Clean-Trace™ ATP meters have the best sensitivity and repeatability on the market.
The ATP meter features 3M's patented sensor design and is today the most advanced system on the market. The measurement systems enable immediate corrective action and continuous improvement.
The dedicated software included with the ATP meter has a modern and user-friendly interface. With the program, we easily transfer test plans to the ATP meter and create neat reports.
Where can I find more information about ATP measurement?
We suggest you turn to Hygiene Diagnostic and Frank Axelsson, who is the founder and CEO who is very knowledgeable in the field and also holds trainings and is the exclusive distributor of 3M in Sweden towards the healthcare industry.
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About XLNT Workplace
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A first contact is usually not about us trying to sell something but more about getting to know each other. Hopefully we have generated enough interest for you to want to know more and find out if we can be a good match for what you are looking for.